
A chinese ghost story game
A chinese ghost story game

Love exclusive gameplay, full server real-person social interaction. Rich activities, single player, team up for you to choose, endless fun all kinds of equipment are fair drop, free development, unique attributes All kinds of needs are self-sufficient, more free to open a store, fair trade, daily income.Various choices, everything is up to you! The new PBR rendering technology presents the collective facelift of the 20 characters, and the new NPCs work together to open a new chapter of the story! Dozens of beautiful and ancient scenes in the Three Realms, exquisite rendering of movie-level high-definition picture quality, presenting you a magnificent fantasy world! True 3D world, one step at a time No dead ends. Don't Assume I am 100% with everything here since have only been looking for a short amount of time now.-Ancient style, fantasy, ultimate beauty. If you have a good computer I would suggests checking them out as when I was young I always played world of Warcraft with my family, and just did quests together but recently they are doing a story line you have to pay for now to get to later chapters. I know there are a few browser games that are automatic actions, which isn't my type of game but they have a similar theme the actual game. the storage usage doesn't even account for graphic, ram, and processing requirements while running the game. I am looking for some more less resource demanding ones since I saw Lost Ark needs ~75 gb of free space, World of Warcraft sued to be 5 gb in the earlier days but now its around 20 gb I believe. I don't have an experience with Lost ark but for World of Warcraft I do believe it does not have the marriage element from what I say the last time I played 3 years ago. The closest games I can think of is lost ark as Graspberry said and World of Warcraft. I live in America so I might have a much different location compared to you guys. If you live around china you might be able to get access but I have found out about that for sure. I know this is a bit late but I was looking into it and found that the game itself is only available in china, but maybe in some other places.

A chinese ghost story game